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PITP Artifacts

1.  Video Excerpt of Modified Curriculum Professional Development Meeting

Below I've typed what all participants wrote on their exit note-cards.  We asked them to write one "take-away" and one "burning question."




Take Away:
-Motivation vs Perception
-This is difficult
-Modified Curriculum and Accommodations are two different things
-It is nice to talk to high school teachers
-Got to see insight as to what gen ed teachers perceive accommodations vs mods
-I think what struck me the most was how everyone had different ways to modify assignments
-Good teaching practices help support students of all abilities but it is important to know students in order to modify accordingly.
-Thought the video was great - particularly “you can see it but you can’t perceive it” particularly for math
-Reminder to think big picture
-I feel a need to talk about Fat City with the students and refilming it.
-Flexibility is key.  Need to be very clear about what the core learning is, and what is adjustable.
-To always make sure that the “big picture” of the project is clear.
-Different ways to modify for every student.
-Fat City Video; seeing not comprehending
-Reminders about difference between accommodation and modification is always helpful.
-Always be mindful of their perceptions.  Sometimes we forget this.
-Questions gen ed teachers have came out today which I haven’t heard before - like they’ve been thinking about it.
-Modified curriculum means they are still diploma bound-not UC bound.
-Set kid-specific objectives early so you have a standard to hold a kid accounable to.
-To be totally honest, I didn’t learn anything new.  Seen the video, had this discussion.  But great review!
-Each student learns in different ways.
-Don’t fear the emotional, self-pitying process - challenged.  Use their emotion to drive a dramatic interpretation, or a song or a spoken word piece that shows growth and mastery
-The difference between modifications and accommodations
-Understanding accommodation vs modification - thanks for the handout, very useful!
-[picture of a box with circle, triangle and diamond on each face - i can’t type this.]
-Never be afraid to trust a student.
-Don’t embarrass/pressure students!  Duh!
-The different strategies that different teachers employ
-I love the video shown because it put me in the shoes of someone that perceives things differently.
-Modified allows students to learn when they otherwise may not.
-Ideas for modifying POL preparation - reducing the documentation student is required to write.
-Start with personal interest of student and be flexible with planning.
--My class is full of different learners and learning styles; there is a difference between a modification and an accommodation.
-Video made me question if I do this type of thing on any scale.

-How do you create modified curriculum during a project?
-How do we adhere to contact hours in IEP?
-At what point do we decide if a student receives a certificate of completion?
-In an art context, how to still get a student to make work in the style needed with modification not affecting the outcome
-How do we balance modification that’s effective (ST Math) with including students in class?
-When giving direct instruction (like cow face) aren’t we taking away the discovery aspect of the lesson?  Can we film a modern version of the cow face?
-How do we address the student that we find is not intrinsically motivated by the modification?
-How do we distinguish when students are incapable and when they choose not to bring discretionary effort (Given that the two tend to go hand in hand?)
-To share more next time about modification ideas.
-How to modify for many students... all unique...
-How do Inclusion Specialists know how to modify?  Is it guesswork or is there a manual?
-What is the clear difference between modification and accommodation.
-How to differ acommodate vs modify?
-Modified vs accommodated: some answers... more questions :-)
-How do we give diplomas to students who are obviously not performing at the HS level?
-Can we make accommodations that will help every student?
-I think I understand the difference between accommodations and modifications but I’m not 100% certain.  Can we review the finer differences and go over some examples before we start discussing how to apply them to our own projects/curriculum?  I think we get the most out of our discussions. 
-Actually looking at the difference between accommodation/modification and how they affect learning goals.
-I would like [can I] lead the PD (as part of a small team with the other side of our special needs students (high achievers).
-What should you do with a student that needs an entirely different curriculum.
-Can we talk about differentiation when assessing?
-What happens when the student is so far behind that it seems hopeless?
-More time to think about our own projects and modifications
-Who modifies?
-How engaged should Inclusion Specialists be in any modification?
-How do you know if a student needs a modified curriculum - if he /she doesn’t have an IEP/504?



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